NAPTIN stands for National Power Training Institute of Nigeria. This system is aimed at closing the skill gap and meeting up with Training Requirements of the Power Sector. The primary purpose for building this software is to provide training for power sector personnel and coordinate training activities in the sector.
Problem Statement
The old portal being used wasn’t well designed with a lot of interface and UX challenges, and lot of functions were missing. They still have to do lot of activities manually which consumes times as they train thousands of students annually.
Project Goals
The goal is to work with other team members to develop a user-centered platform for the Trainees, Trainers and The Admin. This new platform would be used across the country going forward whenever any training is being conducted. Features such as an institutive dashboard, assignment module, reports and analysis is a key feature added to solve a major concern for the clients.
My Role
My role was to conduct and examine the existing platform that was being used and then use the feedback gotten to design a modern training system that will be used by the trainees, trainers and the admin for registering, onboarding and making effective the learnings.
The previous website had a very difficult and long onboarding flow. My goal here was to create a simplified process that will allow trainees get onboarded in a low record-time and allow them to submit important KYC after. With this, trainee can easily get started with taking courses and the admission board will recorded a high conversion rate of students
The dashboard was carefully desired to cater for the needs of the trainee and afford them to focus on what is important to them; starting and completing a course. Every section was well utilized and laid out to give trainee a perspective on the current courses they are taking and what they need to complete a course.
A detailed overview of each courses is presented to the trainees even before they enroll and pay for a course. This information prepares them for what the courses entails and inform they if they meet the requisite for taking the course.
Human-centered designer, creative strategist and an advocate of emerging technologies.